
It’s a new year and there are new expectations. Or, perhaps just updated expectations from last year.

One of my big goals this year is to think through how I’m living my life and why I expect what I expect from it. This kind of aligns with my last post about Acceptance and Hope.

The initial questions that come to mind are – What are my existing beliefs and expectations? Do any of these need to be adjusted to my current reality? Or, adjusted to fit the reality that I’d like to create – personally, with my family and with all other relationships?

This is tougher than it sounds. It involves paying attention to how we respond and react to what is thought and said around us each day.

With a new Tiny Person as a family member, I’m realizing just how many opinions and “right ways” to do things are out there. I’m sure that each person has come to their opinion and belief through real experience in their individual environments. I do too. But, each of those environments may be completely different than my own and …filled with different people with different personalities, capabilities, interests, etc.

In my quest to re-assess where I’m at and where I’m going, I’ll try out a few more options that I wasn’t open to last year. I’ll see where this experimenting takes me. Perhaps I will rule something out. Or, perhaps I’ll embark on a new journey meeting new people and discovering new ideas.

Who knows what will happen? It’s hard not to define ahead of time what I expect to get out of this process, but I think it is safe to expect that I’ll grow, progress, and walk into 2017 with some new perspectives.

I’ve got a lot of other goals planned, but hoping that this one will ensure that I allow myself to re-think some long held expectations and beliefs.


Happy New Year to you!


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