Please, Tell Your Laurels (Part One)

Great little article that someone shared on Facebook this week, though it was written in the summer 2015.

As someone that didn’t follow a path that was typical to many LDS young women, I appreciate the insights this woman in her 20s provides. I should probably now write one the adds to this the insights of a woman in her 40s looking back.

The Prodigal Daughter Blog

I have to start this out with one incredibly vital point.

I loved and adored every one of my Young Women’s leaders. This post is not an attack on their teachings or advice. I know they left parts of their hearts and souls on the table when they taught on Sunday. I am so thankful for their examples. 

This is for every Laurel-aged girl who needs to hear what I needed to hear, from someone who knew exactly what I was going through. 

I’m a 20-year-old Church Education System college student. When I was sixteen, I saw myself doing exactly what I’m doing now; college, dating, roommates, great job, my own car. It’s great! It really is.

But when I was sixteen and making my perfect life-plan, I didn’t plan for the speed-bumps that I’ve run into. Most of mine have come from dating silly boys, spending my time unwisely, and just 

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